Thursday 2 October 2008

St Anthony's School Fund Raising!!


We gratefully to inform all of you (SAS Ex-students) that our mothers' school (SMK St. Anthony, Sarikei) are going to construct a new big school hall soon by next year.

Why Give?
Without your support, our school debt would increase dramatically. The high cost of school hall that proposed might absorbs a great portion of expense and/or what we may get. Many of our peer schools offer greater funding to their school facilities; so we need to continue to improve our financial aid packages to remain competitive.

I support other causes already. Why should I still support the St. Anthony’s School Fund?
So here we would like to ask our ex-anthonian to view their gifts or contributions to SAS in a unique light, for an investment in SAS means a great deal to the future of our mother school, not to mention our world.

Will your gift make any difference to the Mother School Fund?
Absolutely—gifts of all sizes are extremely important. Your contributions work to support our school hall construction, where every ringgit counts.

How to get involved?
Ex-Students volunteers are integral to the St. Anthony Fund’s success. Through the efforts and dedication of our volunteers, the Fund is able to broaden its reach and, ultimately, its impact.

We invite you to partner with us on this important projects.

The way to join:
The Ex-Anthonian membership form or donation form canbe obtained from our school's website

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